Gentle Cloud's Blog
Sunday, 8 October 2006
Another affirmation
Mood:  happy
Topic: Self-publishing

Today, at church, I prayed to God for guidance on my book. I have a quotation from a printer for 1,000 copies to be printed. I was wondering whether to take the plunge. That's a lot of trees and a lot of money :)

For the past three weeks, I've brought my book to church hoping to pass it to Rev Wendy in person. She is a wonderful pastor, a bit radical, but her heart is in the right place. And she had agreed to review my book. But she was not around. So, finally, I handed it to the information counter to pass to her. I was a bit disappointed, for I want to hand-deliver that first copy to her.

That night, I received a Seal of Quality confirmation from a writing site I frequent. My prayer was answered. I will place the printing order!

Su Yin

Posted by gentlecloud at 8:04 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 18 November 2006 8:21 AM EST

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