Gentle Cloud's Blog
Friday, 22 September 2006
First Order
Mood:  happy
Topic: Self-publishing

The spirit is moving!

I've received my first 10 copies of the book today and lo and behold, someone out of the blue pinged me from an old writing site to ask about the story. She's a young girl, 18 years old, a Singaporean studying in Perth.

And one email exchange later, I have my first order! Call it coincidence but I believe it is a sign from God to say ... press on! You're going the right way. 



Posted by gentlecloud at 9:53 PM EDT

Wednesday, 18 October 2006 - 1:39 PM EDT

Name: "Fern"

Boo! Guess who! *grin* Nice website you got with a neat little link to your blog! Can't wait to get my hands on the book. And I finally got to see your photo too! Wheeee!!!  =D 

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